Dealing with Uncertainty

If you are like me and most of my clients, one thing you could live without is   make a plan.  This in turn creates anxiety. If I am not careful, this can turn into a massive energy drain and even Suffering!

I recently came across a new (to me) term. Apparently coined by the poet John Keats in 1818, in a letter to his brothers.  Negative Capability, that is, when a man is capable of being in uncertainties, mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact and reason.

I interpret this as the ability to accept the unwanted or unknown and view  Acceptance as one of the major pillars to living a happier life. Embracing acceptance allows us to live in reality and minimizes resistance and suffering. It frees up energy and creativity. It aligns with the Buddhist concept that the nature of life is to be uncertain.




The Cost of Resistance