Are You Ready to Do What It Takes to Find Your Person?

I recently interviewed my friend and colleague, Stacy Perry, of the 475 intentional date fame. Stacy now shares that journey in a way that takes the complicated out of dating. 

She has found a common theme with her clients is the “Waiting to Be Perfect” syndrome, and she is passionate about not using weight or the past to stop one from going after what they want. She offers encouragement that “your person” will love you no matter what; therefore, showing up as YOU and being authentic is a major focus.  Weaving in brain science, Stacy shares that our primitive brains would rather keep us safe on our sofas watching Netflix and eating potato chips than risk discomfort or rejection of putting ourselves out there.

In my opinion, Stacy demonstrates what going after a dream, in her case a spouse, looks like.  She was clear in her goals and had an unwavering commitment to her desired outcome. In the end, she turned her journey into a business helping others on this same path!

I wonder how many of us who don’t reach our goals and dreams, stop at date 339, or 197, or even a mere 9?  When I feel like quitting something, I use her example to keep going. Resiliency helps us be the hero/heroine and not the victim of our own stories.

As broadcast on BoldBraveTV:


How To Achieve Your Dreams


The Phrase “They Say”