Acceptance of A Medical Diagnosis

Many feelings can arise when one receives a “bad” medical diagnosis – whether it is cancer, congestive heart failure, or an autoimmune disease.  While some diseases can be immediately life threatening, others can be slow and grueling such as ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) or Parkinson’s. Both types require a change in mindset regarding what the remainder of the patient’s life will look like. 

I perceive the process of coming to terms with one’s new medical reality to be the same as dealing with a death.  The initial emotions may be abject fear, worry, helplessness, hopelessness, and anger, to name a few. The actual stages of coming to terms with the diagnosis is likely to be:

Denial - can‘t believe it

Anger – why me?

Bargaining – I’ll do (or not do) xyz if only……

Depression - feel helpless and hopeless

Acceptance – I can go on

My guest, who was diagnosed with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) 20 plus years ago, has reached the point of acceptance through several beliefs:

“What you can control, you do; and what you can’t, you can’t”

“Either give up, or make things the best they can be”

“Where the mind goes, the body will follow” 

I think these are great mottos for all of us, no matter what we are dealing with at the moment!

You can view the corresponding episode here:



